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Our Area of Greatest Need


Pledged of $100,000




days to go

Make a gift to Child's Voice and change the life of a child with hearing loss.

This project launched 07/01/2021 and ends 07/10/2022.
Contact [email protected] for questions regarding this project

In a single moment at Child’s Voice, our student’s lives are changed. A child may share their first word with their parents in the Early Intervention Program. One of our students has mastered the vocabulary words with which they have been struggling. Another student is excited to read their story to their teacher, sharing all about their family. Each and every one of these students has hearing loss and they are exceeding their goals thanks to YOU and the incredible staff at Child’s Voice.

A donation to the Smiling Voices Fund will directly impact Child’s Voice programs including the Early Intervention and School Programs, Mainstream Outreach and Support, and the Audiology Center.

Your support of the Smiling Voices Fund will allow Child’s Voice to continue to hire experts in the field of listening and spoken language education and therapy, teachers of the deaf, and audiologists that specialize in pediatric care. With this support, we can purchase supplies for classrooms, materials for our teachers and therapy equipment for home-based services. With this support, we can continue to offer professional development opportunities to these incredible staff members.

Joyce Meyer states, “Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.” The staff at Child’s Voice changes the lives of our students, but their impact reaches beyond each child to their family, and their community. 

Join us today in supporting our teachers, our staff, and ‘more chalk.’ 

At Child’s Voice, we collaborate with families with the end goal of preparing each student to move into their neighborhood school districts and attend their local, mainstream schools.  Our mission continues to be to empower children with hearing loss to be successful in all educational and social settings by optimizing their listening, speaking and academic skills.