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Early Intervention Program


Pledged of $100,000




days to go

Support our littlest learners (birth to age 3), all with hearing loss as they learn to listen and speak!

This project launched 07/01/2021 and ends 07/10/2022.
Contact [email protected] for questions regarding this project

At just a few weeks old, Child's Voice therapists work closely with families to support their child with hearing loss...working toward those very first words, "Mama," "Dada," and more. These milestones are significant for all children, but especially so when the child is deaf.

The goal of the Early Intervention Program is to build the foundation of necessary skills, preparing a child (birth – age 3) with hearing loss to listen, to speak, and to succeed in a school age program. 

Your support will help make that possible! Through your generosity, the Program includes home-based and remote/video therapy as we navigate the shelter-in-place with our families. Additionally, center-based groups are offered in a virtual classroom (for now) for our toddlers and their parents.  Most importantly, your donation helps to fund scholarships for our students!

The Early Intervention Program serves 90-100 children each year, across the greater Chicago region. The classroom components are located at both our Wood Dale and Roscoe Village (Chicago) locations.

At Child’s Voice, we collaborate with families with the end goal of preparing each student to move into their neighborhood school districts and attend their local, mainstream schools.  Our mission continues to be to empower children with hearing loss to be successful in all educational and social settings by optimizing their listening, speaking and academic skills.